Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy May Day!

Sunny and warm in the afternoon with a high of 78.

The Adams Crabapple tree is in full bloom right now, the picture does not do it justice. The bumblebees are in love with it . . . !

The day started out cloudy, which is when I got all my watering done. Then, after lunch I took the hose and draped it on the grass in the design I wanted my back flowerbed (BFB)to be in, and by the time the sun came out I was spraying Roundup on weeds and grass.

Then the fun really started, I attempted to get the upper yard mowed but with the grass being so long, I could only mow half strips. By 5:30 I had to call it a day and let the side yard go until tomorrow. At which time I can mow the lower yard plus the upper side yard, not to mention do a little raking, whew!

FYI - Everywhere I went I was running into White-Throated Sparrows. They were in all the flowerbeds, in the woods, and in the wetlands. We must have had a flock of 30 of them stop in on their way to Canada (obviously these birds have good taste ;-). They were so sweet with the CUTEST yellow spot on the front of their faces. I'm hoping a few of them will decide to make our hollow their home. They were so industrious, I think they gleaned every bug in the yard.