Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I knew it was getting dry . . .

Cloudy all day with a high of 55. We had a 40% chance of rain but it never materialized. Too bad to, because the half inch we received a few days ago wasn't near enough. We are having a dry spring after having a mild winter, I fear what this summer is going to be like.

The other day I looked out the kitchen window and all I saw was dirt flying and wings beating the air. Terrified the fox or bobcat was attacking one of our wild turkeys, I ran to the sliding door to break up the attack. But to my surprise, I found out the turkey was taking a dirt bath, and I'd interrupted his spa day. I admit, I felt rather foolish, but what would you think?

Then this morning I was upstairs and it was happening again, and I must admit, it startled me for just a moment, until I realized it was that darn turkey taking another dirt bath. So I ran downstairs, grabbed the camera to get a picture, and what happens? My memory card is missing from my digital camera and I missed the shot. Darn it all, and I would have gotten the picture too. Oh well, I guess someone is trying to tell me the back hill is getting a bit dry?

On a different note, about noon I was out trimming the grass around the sidewalks and trees when our next door neighbor who owns the hill behind us, and the property beside us, stopped in. He'd brought his logger with him and the three of us walked our property. Steve graciously offered to let the logger drag our trees across his property to the top of the hill, and have them chipped/shredded there.

In the end, we've decided to go with the logging company because of the minimal impact to the yard, instead of with Jeff, whom I originally signed the contract with. So, one way or another, I should have my trees gone and out of here by next week. I have to admit I'm a bit apprehensive, because now I'm worried about the underbrush, i.e., baby pine trees, mountain laurel, wildflowers, etc. These are going to be large machines coming in here.

These pictures were taken the day after the Hurricane winds hit us in February. Several White Pines and Hemlocks were upended and snapped off, causing damage to other trees.

And finally, late this afternoon I got slow release fertilizer worked into the lower half of the FFB. I'm now all done with that gardening chore till next spring. YEAH! Do the dance!!