Saturday, May 29, 2010

The semi-official start of summer, Memorial Day Weekend - we opened our pool for business too!

It was a little more humid today with a high of 79. Gorgeous morning though, I sat on the deck in-between setting sprinklers for FB's 6A, 7 & 8.

We started the fountain for the birds today, so it's official, summer has started! Birds love the sound of running water, and the finches like to land on top of the frog heads to get a drink from the stream coming out of their mouths.

We learned something new today about our Ruby-throated hummingbird. When I went to fill the watering can from the house faucet, the hummingbird would come and chip at me, then get a drink of juice, which is right by the faucet. He did this every single time, until Don figured it out, the hummingbird was trying to establish dominance of the feeding station. We've seen two males at the feeder fight, one of which is the alpha. Just wait til the female gets off the nest though, guess who will own the feeder then?

For the very first time we saw a Rufous Sided Towhee, it was on the ridge of the backhill eating under the small pine trees. He must have stayed to eat for at least half an hour, I have no idea however, what he was eating, but he sure was pretty. Every time we go to sit on the deck we take our binoculars and bird book, it makes identifying birds easier.

The Jacob Ladder's are in bloom. About the time they bloom we get a bad thunderstorm and down pour, so we must be about due. They're so fragile it usually beats them down, poor things. I should try finding something that would stake them . . . . If you click on the picture, you will see the hummingbird feeder in the background.

After lunch I finished trimming the upper yard, which is what I was trying to do yesterday, when I cut my finger and had to go to the ER. After trimming I raked, then mowed the East side of the lower yard. I had just finished mowing and was raking when a small cloud burst went over. It did nothing for the flowers or grass, it just got everything wet enough I couldn't mow anymore.

Oh well, I'd probably abused my finger enough on the first day of back to gardening.