Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rainy days are meant for walk-abouts . . .

We are finally getting some badly needed rain, the yard was starting to dry out and I was having problems keeping up with the watering. Throughout the day we had a slow steady rain (the best kind) for a total of 1/2 inch of precip with a high of 54.

Early in the afternoon I looked out Don's office window and saw the ducks had left the pond and were on a walk-about. If you click on the pictures you will see Mr Mallard on the left, and Mrs. Mallard on the right, at this point they have probably walked 50 yards.

I kept watching them as they went down the West side of the house and into my FFB, the very one I was just working in yesterday. At this point they have walked another 25 yards. I think they were going to go down the hill and into Bear Creek, but saw us taking pictures and flew back to "their" pond. I did get another picture of them in the Forest Flowerbed before they flew. If you click on the picture, you can clearly see Mrs Mallard thinking about going down the hill, with Mr Mallard hiding behind one of my flowers along for the ride, I mean walk. (He follows her everywhere.)

I should have gone to Bedford Fields to buy some trees "today", because you get 15% off when it's raining, but it's just not as much fun! Instead, Don and I went to see Iron Man II at the Imax.