Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Look out, it's another freeze warning, Ack!

They were calling for freeze warnings in the mountains and low lying valleys. Some places were expected to dip as low as 28 degrees. We set alarms for 1AM and 3:30AM to see what the temps were. We almost got up at 3:30 when it was 35 degrees to start throwing sheets over what we could, and to move the pots and fruit trees into the garage. But because the effort would be so daunting, we decided to play the "wait and see game". At 5:30AM it got down to 33.7, whew, dodged another one. The day ended up getting to a high of 60 degrees with beautiful blue skies.

Don and I went to Bedford Fields to get the gas tank filled with propane for the mosquito whacker, and Anita was saying it took them 2.5 hours to get everything covered with frost sheets the night before . . . now that's daunting!

BTW, remember that tree I thought I'd killed? I guess it's a late bloomer, because it's just now leafing out. I have to admit, I didn't know what I could have done to kill it, but who else to blame? When I went to the nurseries, all of their Green Mountain Maples were about in the same phase as mine, but I wasn't going to believe mine had made it until I saw the leaves with my own eyes. Don keeps asking if I'm now willing to admit it's okay, and I grudgingly admit, I think it made it through the winter. But I just don't remember it being this late before, so I'm going to keep an eye on it, and will note when it leafs again next year.

After lunch I mowed all of the lower yard plus the East side of the upper yard, which is approximately 40,000 square feet of grass. Once again the grass was so long I could only take half strips, so it took about 3 hours using a push mower. I tell everyone it's more fun than going to the gym!