Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's come to my attention, I have a lot of grass . . .

Warm and muggy day with a high of 87, it made everything that much harder to get done.

Before lunch I liquid fertilized FB#6 and #6A then watered well afterwards. After lunch I trimmed the sidewalks, flowerbeds and trees.

Then it was time to mow the remaining upper back and side yard and move onto the lower yard. Again because of the length of the grass, I could only take half strips with the mower, so I only got the lower East side of the driveway mowed. I still had to rake a small portion of the upper yard before calling it a day at 5PM, too tired to get much of anything else done.

Speaking of the Grosebeak (in my last blog), while I was mowing the back I spotted him on the "nuthouse", a wooden birdfeeder full of sunflower hearts and peanuts. I stopped mowing and watched him so I wouldn't scare him away. I suspect Mrs is on the nest and we'll see her and the babies later in the season.

The Cardinal has been back on his feeder a few more times, and every time I turn around I have a Bluejay in the BFB birdbath taking a bath or getting a drink of water. The 4 new jays we picked up last week ground feed a lot and use the birdbath . . . too cute. I've found that birds really like fresh water, so I clean and fill all 5 birdbaths daily.

When Punkin and I were sitting on the deck, we watched a chipmunk cross the patio with his pouches full heading for home. As he crossed FB#6 he stopped for a drink of water in it's birdbath, which is low like the BFB. He must have been pretty thirsty because he stayed there for quite a while.

Punkin just watched him, but was ready to pounce if need be. I used to feed the squirrels and chipmunks, but we had such a population explosion, I had to quite. To the right is the birdbath the chipmunk used, his home is on the side of the house in FB#5.

Unfortunately, you can see I have a lot of wild grasses coming in the yard, this year I plan to kill it with Round Up and then reseed. I think it's getting unsightly.