Monday, May 3, 2010

Life's beauty is found in the simplest of things . . .

The day started out unbearably muggy, but by mid-afternoon the winds kicked in and a cold front moved through, so by evening it was very nice. We had a high of 80, which is still warmer than we should be for this time of year.

I happened to be in Don's office looking out toward the birdfeeders late morning when I saw a red fox run through that area, then head West and run along the hill ridge. I immediately got real excited until I saw what he had in his mouth. Remember that pretty mink we spotted by the creek bed the other day? Yep, that's what he had in his mouth, how sad. I'm really glad the fox is finding food and coexisting with us humans, but did he have to eat my mink? Oh well . . .

On the bright side, I found some beautiful wildflowers on the hill where the two white pines came down. It's like they were saying to me, don't be too depressed, see, were happy and life goes on, everything is a cycle.

You probably can't tell from the picture, but there are 3 different types of wildflowers in the photo. If you click on the picture to enlarge it, you can see them better up close. I haven't a clue what they are, but I'm going to look them up and I'll blog about it later.

I saw my first Eastern Red-spotted Newt today when I moved a rock in the FFB (Forest Flower Bed). They are so darn cute!