Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Forget Chritmas in NE, come in the Spring!

Yet another fabulous day, now we're getting spoiled, high of 79.

Don and I took another 12 55 gallon contractor grade bags to the dump full of twigs and branches, all remnants from winter's fury. I think I have 1 more to go of twigs I piled in the forest margins. Then it's keeping up with what the wind brings down over the summer.

After we got back from the dump, I decided to take some pictures of the Martha Washington Azaleas that went into bloom yesterday. Already today they are almost in full bloom, and since we might get wind and showers tomorrow morning I didn't want to loose the shot. BTW, the little birdbath gets used by chipmunks that live in the rock wall :-).

I took another shot looking of the Azaleas looking up the slope of the flowerbed to show how the rest of FB#1 is doing. The Variegated Weigalia are really leaving out and starting to set blooms, while the Minuet Weigalia are leafing, but a little behind with the setting of buds. The Cottoneasters, Goldmounds, and Stella d'Oros, are also coming on like gang busters, with the Roses and Rose of Sharon close behind.

Unfortunately, with all the flora and fauna in bloom, it means it's that time of year again, ack, Mosquitoes! I got my first bite this morning.

Another Spring first; I went out to bring the birdfeeders in about dusk and what did my wondering eyes see? Our bat, is back, yeah!! Last year we had up to 5 circling the property at one time. I like to believe they live in the bat house my dad made us . . . and they arrived just in time to eat those pesky mosquitoes :-)