Monday, May 31, 2010

Final day of holiday, woke to smoke in the air . . .

Sunny and nice, a little warmer today with a high of 80 and a morning low of 57.

When I went out to feed the birds first thing in the morning, I had to put a jacket on it was so chilly. At the time the sky was a deep blue, but it didn't take long until smoke started filtering through the woods from the East. Obviously there's a brush fire some where in the vicinity. I was afraid of this, I knew it was just a matter of time before we had one, it's been so dry.

I spent the entire day watering something, as the smoke continued. I just found out there are 60 different wild fires burning out of control in Quebec. So far, 160 acres have been burnt by noon, while New England is being covered with smoke, some places visibility is down to 3 miles. The fires started because of dry conditions and lightening strikes, 400 people had to be evacuated. Manitoba and NH have gone to Quebec to help fight the fires. Unless we start getting rain, this will be duplicated all across the region. This is the reason I got my property logged, to get rid of the brush and dead trees.

On the bright side, all the Mountain Laurels are in bloom, so I took a bunch of pictures. To the left is a VERY old Mountain laurel, it's over 10' tall and about 5' wide, it's white. We have 3 of this size on the property.

To the right is a picture of a group down by Mill Pond Stream, also white. We have very few of the pink, why I don't know.

The second picture on the left is an up close view of some of the Laurels by the shed. I wish they had a fragrance, but the don't. On second thought, we have so many of them, it would probably be over-powering :-).