Friday, April 30, 2010

Beautiful day, time to bring the patio furniture out -

Beautiful day with a high of 72, almost picture perfect!

We decided to risk putting the snowblowers away for the summer (this ought to bring on a late snowfall for sure, sort of like washing the car and getting rain).

Going from winter to spring is not a trivial task for us, because everything has to fit in the shed like a jigsaw puzzle. First, this means bringing all the deck and patio furniture out, carrying them up to the house, and assembling the tables. Then we have to winterize the snowblowers, move them into the back of the shed, so the mowers, fertilizer spreader and hosemobile can go in the front. BTW, all of this has to fit around 6 wardrobe boxes filled with Christmas wreath bases and 2 filled with wicker baskets, all of which Don calls "the fungus".

We also hung my Irish Blessings windchime. The tubes are inscribed with the traditional Irish blessing prayer:

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall softly upon your fields, And, until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

With all the winds we've been getting lately, they are beautiful to listen to!

For Don's birthday we had shrimp cocktail for an appetizer, crab legs, Artichokes, and curried potatoes for the entree, and for dessert we had cheesecake with a cherry glaze topping. Afterwards, we sat on the deck to enjoy our hard work and let dinner settle, while we listened to the birds, and the windchime of course!

We feel very blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the world.