Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm running out of shoes!

It's even worse today, with a high of 95, trees, grass, shrubs; all are showing a bit of heat stress today. A low is coming through this afternoon and evening, so we may get some rain and high winds. I'll definitely take the rain, we are really in for it I fear this year.

Once again I was watering all morning. While I was watering the shade flowerbed on the back side of the house, I heard this peeping noise. I looked up expecting to see a chipmunk, but instead I saw our Ruby-throated Hummingbird hovering about 2' from me and it's feeder. I decided to stand real still to see what it would do, and low and behold it came in for a long drink of juice. I could see it's little feet really well, and could actually see it's wings beating. I could tell it was a male, because he had a gorgeous ruby colored throat. After his drink, he went on his way, looking for more flowers, he loves the azaleas.

When I was carrying a watering can down to the newly planted Washington Hawthorn, I ran into a red squirrel that had just jumped onto the BFB birdbath. Again, I decided to come to a halt and stand perfectly still. He continued getting his drink, actually several drinks, while keeping an eye on me. Once he was done he left to go maraud the woods for more seed. Don and I both agree, red squirrels are so darn cute with their big brown eyes and white eyeliner.

Last but not least, the squirrels are getting very devious about trying to storm the birdfeeders. This morning when I went out to water flowers, I found a siege machine laying under the tray feeding station. It had been left behind by the squirrels after a failed attempt to scale the ramparts, we quiver at the thought of what's coming next ;-).