Sunday, May 30, 2010

Another gorgeous day for Memorial Day weekend -

Sunny, low humidity with a high of 78.

While I'm really enjoying the low humidity, I'm afraid it's a killer when it comes to trying to keep everything watered. Boy is everything dry, we need rain badly, everything is showing stress, even the grass I'm watering daily.

After watering in the morning, I set sprinklers all day long along the East side of the driveway, which has no in ground sprinklers. While I watered, Don helped me fertilize the upper yard. Because of the hills I can't see where I've been, so Don helps guide me.

After fertilizing I mowed the West side of the driveway, which finally completed the mowing for the weekend, which I had anticipated would get finished Friday. That is, before sticking my finger in front of the power trimmer, dah! After mowing it was pretty much an uneventful day, just lots of sitting on the deck to enjoy the fruits of our hard labor.

At suppertime we went out to start the BBQer to see if we had any unwanted bird nests, thankfully none yet, when Don noticed something blooming on the either side of the duck pond. I didn't want to go over there since I had just gotten out of the shower, so Don went, and saw the prettiest Mtn Laurel in bloom. He came back to get the camera and took a picture for me. To the left you can see what a full head of blooms it had. We are very fortunate to have many Mountain Laurels on the property, some white and some pink. Obviously they must like moisture and shade if they like our yard.

I took another picture of one of my Elf Mountain Laurels which is just prolific right now. It's the most beautiful baby pink, very delicate and pleasing to the eye! I have three Elf Laurels, two pink and one white, the white isn't blooming as well, maybe next year will be it's turn.