Saturday, June 5, 2010

Warm and dry with more humidity

From the time I got up I could tell it was going to be more humid, sunny with a high of 87.

I'd heard it was going to be cooler on Sunday, so after watering in the AM I decided to run errands after lunch. Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten very far when I heard on the radio we were to get high winds and a lot of rain on Sunday when the cold front moved through.

I quickly tried to finish my errands so I could get home and mow the rest of the upper yard. Lowes was one of my stops, and I remembered it was about this time last year I saw the Cedar Waxwings eating berries on trees lining the parking lot. At first I didn't see any, but as I was driving out I spotted 3. I quickly pulled over and watched them for a bout 10 minutes, plucking only the ripest berries. Don and I both agree they are the most beautiful bird we have ever seen.

Trust me, this picture does not do the bird justice. The colors are such a beautiful, striking pastel, it's almost surreal.

Remembering I should be home mowing, I grudgingly left to go home. Once home I quickly changed and mowed the front of the upper yard. Again having to double mow, I finished at 5:30 after starting at 4:00, and boy was it humid, yuck! I literally sweated off 4 pounds in that hour and a half.

All I got to say is, IT BETTER RAIN TOMORROW!