Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Flowerbed #3 is strutting it's stuff!

Nice & sunny today after an overnight rain, high of 83.

Speaking of Stella d'Oros, they are now in bloom and are quite the show-stopper. I have 9 Stella's in the front, and 11 in the back. For this year anyway, the Stella's in back won't need much trimming because they are still young. But I'm betting the front are going to take me 1 full day to deadhead.

If you look at the close up picture, you can see the Goldmound Spirea still in bloom peeking from behind the Stella's. Of course the Sugar Tyme Crabapple and Poukhanense Korean Azaleas have been out of bloom for a few weeks now.

I have to admit that taking the time to work slow-release fertilizer into all of the beds around each and every flower seems to be paying off. This is now my second year of using this approach, and it seems to be working well.

Of course the .75" of rain overnight didn't hurt either. Can you tell yellow is my favorite color?