Sunday, June 6, 2010


I woke to the sound of rain, yeah!! Much cooler with a high of 76.

I was so excited we were to get rain all day. Then I heard we were in a thunderstorm warning and a tornado watch until 8PM, and I said to myself, here we go again.

Around 2:30 the worst of the storm hit our area with drenching, vertical sheets of rain. Then the winds started up, and as I watched the large trees bend and sway with the wind, I said, "If I loose another tree, I'm moving!"

Thankfully we didn't loose any trees, nor did we see any tornadoes, straight-line winds, or hail, like some parts of NH experienced. By the end of the day, I'd say sometime around 7:30PM, the sun was peaking out from behind clouds. Everything looked and smelled so good. I decided to go out and check the rain gauge, and we'd gotten 1.5 inches. Boy did we need every drop!