Monday, August 9, 2010

Wow, am I feeling spoiled!

As predicted, the warm front has moved in, high of 90.

I was out watering this morning when an UPS truck backed up the driveway and left a package by the garage door. I took it in the house so Don and I could open it, and to our surprise, inside was a very pretty yellow rose bush, sent to us by my father. Yellow is not only my favorite color, but is also my favorite colored rose. You could not tell it was delivered, it looked instead like we had just picked it up from the nursery.

I promptly watered it and set it in the sun, then Don took a picture of the flowers with Punkin and I on the deck beside it. We'll enjoy it in the basket for a while, then I'll probably plant it in a real pretty spot in the garden this fall. I did this a lot when we lived at the Couture home, and they do great in the garden.

Then after lunch we took Punkin on a walk down to the mailbox, and found there was an anniversary card from Don's parents, with a check for dinner out. Wow, I'm feeling pretty spoiled about now!!

Also during the walk down to the mailbox, we ran into our turkey family (mom and the two young-uns), this time they were hanging out by the dried up vernal pond. Later on I saw mom sitting in the loam pile, something she has absolutely fallen in love with. I wonder how much longer the twins will be with her?