Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm making progress . . .

Cold front came through and cooled us down, temps stayed in the high 70's for a week!

I definitely took advantage of the cooler temps and weeded, which had gotten out of control while I was on vacation. It took me a week, but I got most of the weeds in the flower beds as well as the deadheading done.

Also this past week we had quite the bird event. The baby Goldfinches were brought to the feeders; there must be 20 to 30 babies in my yard and trees. They are so sweet and not timid at all, you can walk right up to them and look them in the eyes. You can't imagine how much noise that many baby finches can make all wanting to be feed at the same time.

One morning I looked out the front window, and I had 3 Bluejays sitting on the rim on FFB#3's birdbath, with 1 in the water taking a bath. As I watched, each one would wait patiently for the other to finish bathing, then take it's turn. Afterward, each one would fly off to sit in the tree branches to shake of excess water, before flying away, how precious.

This is the second year my Turtlehead flowers have been in the
ground and they're looking quite pretty. I think I'm going to start planting smaller flowers among the larger perennials.

While this flowerbed is a very pleasant place to sit, and I'm really glad I put it in, it's really challenging to keep weeded!