Sunday, August 22, 2010

Getting "close" to finishing -

After a week of nice weather, of course the high temps returned, and this week it's been in the high 90's with high humidity.

I mowed and raked on Friday so Don and I could plant this weekend. We ended up getting 12 Happy Trails Daylilies and 1 Highbush Blueberry in on Saturday, and 2 more Highbush Blueberries planted on Sunday.

Then the real fun began, as we moved the last of the 5 cu yd mulch pile into the BFB (back flower bed). Once we'd moved the mulch, we moved the last of the rocks that were left over from the patio being built. These were the largest of the rocks, and could only be rolled and shoved into place.

We even went to Pro Landscape Supply and bought 6 granite stepping stones to put in the flowerbeds. Three lead to one set of birdfeeders, and three lead to the other set of birdfeeders. We would have needed seven, but we used a granite rock the excavator couldn't get out of the ground as a stepping stone. Boy are we going to feel the pain tomorrow!

This flowerbed runs from East to West across more than half of the backyard. You cannot imagine how many leaves pile into this bed in the fall.

What's really sad is, the thing we're most excited about is the fact we can use the top of our driveway again!