Saturday, August 7, 2010

The grass is looking SO good after rain & fungicide;

A cold front came through last night and brought low humidity with a very nice day of 78 degrees.

What a difference a day or two make after nature delivers 2.5 inches of rain. Don and I will be mowing today and tomorrow. For today at least, no watering!

I saw some really pretty wildflowers down by what used to be Mill Pond Creek, and thought I'd go get a picture. I've no idea what they are, but we have them is several different places in the hollow.

Also by the stream, are two dogwood shrubs the builder planted to hide the culvert and to hinder further erosion. They are now in full bloom and once again are taking over the poor PJM Rhodos beside of them. Every year I trim the dogwoods back and every year they grow even bigger.

I would say in this instance the builder did good. The plantings did stop the erosion and the dogwoods do hide the culvert.