Friday, August 6, 2010

We're mortified, and in our neighborhood to boot!

Sunny and nice, high of 85, and the humidity is gone, do the dance!!

Everything looks so nice after the 2.6 inches of rain we received yesterday. Not only do we have water in our pond again, but the frogs were in it croaking . . . can you say pathetic? Poor things. On their behalf, this pond was actually dry by June 1st - a 1st!

With a cold front coming through, the temps were dropping and there was a steady breeze. Because it was so nice out, we decided to sit on the deck for a while after dinner. Of course by now the Bluejays had gone through their allotment of peanuts, so we gave into their screeching and put more out.

Out of 14 Bluejays, some of which are young ones, all have learned to land on the hanging trays. All but one that is, a young jay who cannot overcome it's fear of the four tray wires. So what does it do? It actually chases other birds, (and it doesn't have to be a Bluejay), to steal "their" peanut.

It was then we knew the grizzly truth, we have a mugger, a juvenile delinquent that lives in the "hood".