Monday, April 26, 2010

Everything is really starting to Pop!

With a surprise high of 65 (it's suppose to be cold and raining) everything is really starting to pop; including the Sugar Tyme Crabapple and the Adams Crabapple Trees.

Bedford Fields delivered my fruit trees today and the good new is, the trees are only in 7 gallon containers This will make digging/picking the holes a little easier than the usual 15 gallon require. Since we live on a rock ledge, the holes end up 3 times larger than they need to be, because of the large rocks you have to extract. While I don't enjoy the extra work, I'm sure the trees love the extra room

The verdict is still out on my poor Green Mountain Maple that is now 3 years old, I'll just be devastated if it died last year . . . why?

On the bright side, everything else is really looking good, the Azaleas are Gorgeous!!