Friday, April 23, 2010

The Backyard Flower Bed is looking Good!

TGIF - Not quite as warm today with a high of 59, but the weekend is just around the corner, and it's suppose to be nicer tomorrow.

The ducks are back on the pond again this afternoon after taking a walk-about in the woods last evening. I wonder what the frogs think when their pond gets invaded by Mallards?

Another Spring 1st to report; I saw the Red Fox this afternoon while I was out working slow release fertilizer into FB #6. Earlier I'd seen Mourning Doves and Red Squirrels in that area, I wonder which he was after . . . ? It's the same area we saw the Bobcat last year, which is by the birdfeeders and birdbath.

Since the skies threatened rain off and on all day I really didn't get a lot done in the yard, so Wreaths Unlimited got most of my attention.