Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's really getting dry, boy do we need rain!

Sunny and hot with a high of 90, at least the humidity was down.

After mowing sections 1 and 2 of the yard, I fungicided both. The heat is really starting to stress the yard. Plus, man-made-water (in-ground-sprinklers) just isn't the same as nature's water.

We just got a call from our water company to tell us we are under a voluntary watering ban. They asked us to only water in the morning, and to water deeply less often, all of which I do of course, it's just good gardening practice.

Last night we went to our next door neighbors to warn them about the bear. When we got there we couldn't believe our eyes, the pond behind the dam was virtually empty. This is a "fairly" good sized pond the kids play hockey on in the winter . . . it really takes you back.

BTW, the water in the bucket is what our water looks like right now. Can you believe they can charge for something that dirty? Unfortunately, this isn't the first time for us, we had to put an expensive water-filtration system in last winter. If we hadn't, that water would be in our house, yuck!