Friday, July 30, 2010

More weeding, pulling, trimming . . .

After 3 days of 90 degree temps, a low has brought a cold front through, high of 79.

The Rose of Sharon are also in bloom. I watched several bees flitting from flower to flower gathering pollen. Their bodies and legs were so heavily laden with yellow pollen I did not know how they could possibly gather any more any fly away.

Unfortunately, the Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) have also outgrown their designated areas, so I really had to cut one in particular back. I planted it in front of the meters and it had done it's job, so well in fact, I was afraid I was going to get a notice from our utility company.

As I trimmed the Hibiscus back the bees just went about their business of gathering, seemingly oblivious to me.

I'm so happy when I see bees, frogs and butterflies in my garden, it means I have a thriving ecosystem and must be doing something right.