Monday, July 26, 2010

Okay, I'm officially waging war on all weeds!

Sunny and nice with a high of 83.

After being lazy over the weekend and having a 10 day hyatus from yard work, I decided it was time. I weeded, cut back shrubs, (Goldmound Spirea), and took a picture of my Kousa tree.

A Kousa is a Japanese Dogwood that blooms in June, and boy has mine grown this year. This is the second year it's been in the garden, and was purchased quite small at Lowes last year. While I've not yet seen any blooms, I'm hoping this is only because of it's young age. It's supposed to be shade loving, and it gets sun about 40% of the day. If it doesn't show signs of blooming next year, I think I might start getting worried.

The picture to the right is how it "should" look when in bloom. It's supposed to get approximately 20' tall by 20' wide, but I've not seen one as full as the one pictured. I see them a lot planted in yards with limited space and shade. The white really pops in the shade!

Unfortunately, a naturalized tree beside it is dying because of the changes going on around it, so I'll probably be replacing it next year. I'm thinking a pink dogwood of some sort would be nice . . .

Now for the really big news, our bear showed up for the first time last night. Punkin was looking out the family room window when she started barking. When I went to look I saw a black bear just rearing up and reaching for one of our feeders. So out we went with air horn in hand to rescue the feeders. On the way back to the garage I saw it cutting across the driveway by the stream going to our neighbors. Poor guy, I'm sure it's hungry and thirsty with the ongoing drought.