Saturday, September 11, 2010

Turkey dinner anyone?

Nice weather returned this week with high's back into the 60's.

This mom and her two baby turkeys have spent their summer away from the flock and in our yard. Don finally got a picture of them. As you can see (click on the picture) they are just learning how to scratch the ground to forage. They clumsily scratch and actually cover up more seed than they find, but hey, who's keeping track?

After they're done feeding, they go to the dirt pile and dust themselves, which is hilarious to watch. You can barely see them with all the dirt flying. Then they'll just law down in the grass and take a siesta in the shade if it's hot, and in the sun if it's cool.

We've named the babies Flopper, and what else, Scratcher. Once likes to flop on the ground to eat, and the other one gets carried away scratching looking for food.

One day I looked out and there must have been 30 turkeys in my yard, and I know who to blame for squealing! You can only see a few of them in the picture, by the time I got out to take the shot, many had retreated into the woods.

Unfortunately, I couldn't pick out mom and her babies, and it was shortly after this they rejoined the flock.

All I've got to say is, Turkey season opens soon, so they better take cover. I'm actually glad the family left, because if the babies showed up without mom, I'd know she was going to be someone's dinner . . . how awful would that be!?!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The draught is taking a toll

First week of September turned very hot with highs in the mid 90's.

Still very little rain, our neighbor's pond that's damed is dry, so no more water in Mill Pond Creek. I have no idea where the animals are finding water to drink. After an entire summer of trying to keep the lower half of the yard watered, Don and I have decided to put in sprinklers.

It's not just the price that gave us pause, but the damage it's going to do to our entire yard. They will have to run the ditch witch from the front of the house where the water supply is, to the lower yard. This means they will not only bring up rocks, but will cut existing water pipes.

So, since they're making such a mess, we decided to put sprinklers in the back flowerbeds as well, so even the back will be torn up. I can't tell you how much I am NOT looking forward to this process.